April 23, 2013

The KIND in Kindness

When I was organizing the tracks n treads race, KIND had graciously offered to supply ROCK Racing with KIND bars for the racers.  I had big hopes that we would get 300 racers this year based on last years participation, but mother nature was not playing well with us and I think due to the crazy weather changes, many people were afraid to sign up.  Well, race day came and the weather could not have been more perfect.  The problem was registration was low just over half of what I had anticipated.
So we gave out these fantastic KIND bars that everyone loved, but we had some left over because KIND was so generous in the number they sent us.  This left me with a dilemma. 
I wondered what to do with the extra bars, I mean, I could have kept them and Chuck and I could have eaten them ourselves, because we love all of them, but that would be disrespectful to the generosity of KIND.
I could have taken them to the next club meeting and we could have had a nice snack during the meeting, but then again, that just felt wrong. 
I could have taken them to an animal ride and given them out to all the riders, but that felt a little wrong too.
Then I had this great idea, since my friend Krystal had just started a kids run club for 3rd through 5th graders at a local Boys and Girls Club, Chuck and I thought this would be a perfect place to use the KIND bars.  I had signed up to be a volunteer there, so on my first night, I took the bars to give to Krystal to use during the club practices. 

Some of the Run Club kids running with Coach Krystal
After we ran with the kids for a while Krystal gave the kids all a bar to eat, while she talked about fitness and nutrition.  I was a little leery, because usually kids aren’t good with stuff that is meant to be healthy and turn their noses up at it.  To my surprise they all liked them and almost seemed to inhale them.

One of the kids trying out a KIND bar
It made me happy that they liked them so much and I knew right then that we had made the right choice in how to distribute the extra KIND bars. 
KIND is a perfect name for these bars, because the company shows generosity and kindness while working for a healthier society, plus the bars are really tasty.  THANK YOU KIND for your efforts in helping the community stay healthy and exposing these kids to a healthy choice. 


  1. I enjoyed the Kind bars at the SHITR in January. It was great to try them out.

  2. I had one after the group ride last night. Actually very good. Thanks Robin. By the way.....no more of this nonsense I am out of shape. You did very well.
